Baby Feeding Program
Those that are seeking help come to us because the mothers have either died or are too unwell to feed their babies. On many occasions women and/or family members walk over 20km to get urgent assistance from Mphatso Children’s Foundation.
Many babies’ lives have been saved because of this program. We support these babies by routinely weighing and supplying baby formula and as they progress, we provide maize porridge. It's a difficult task to turn babies away when we are facing financial hurdles. We are currently supporting 100 babies.

Women's Positive Living Group
Many people in Malawi are living with HIV and AIDS. Mphatso Children's Foundation provides support for those living with this devastating illness to meet on a weekly basis. These gatherings include singing, crafts, sharing a meal together and a real sense of belonging. We also provide finances for on-going treatment and transport for medical care.

Nursery School
We operate 13 Nursery Schools teaching numeracy and literacy to approximately 700 - 1000 children daily.
Every child receives a nutritious bowl of porridge each school day.
All our Nursery School's employ educators and cooks, providing much needed employment.

Alan Parker (AP) Training Centre
A purpose built education facility named in memory of Alan Parker, that is used for a variety of training and mentoring programs for the local people.
The programs range from agriculture, health, professional development and continued education for young mothers and vulnerable people from within the community.
People attending training courses at the Education Centre will have the opportunity to stay at neighbouring Hava House.

Hava House
Hava House provides accommodation for young mothers and their babies. These mothers have the opportunity to complete their schooling in our Return to Learn program held at the AP centre. These mothers were unable to complete their education in regular school due to becoming pregnant.
Hava House also offers women refuge who have been in a hostile environment.
Really close supporters of Mphatso tragically lost their young daughter Hava. In celebration of her life the family requested that instead of flowers, people considered donating to Mphatso. The resulting inflow of finances from friends and family became the seed for Hava House to be established.

Emergency Relief
A regular aspect of Mphatso Children's Foundation support, with basic life needs being in such high demand.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Food
- Clothing
- Hospital Transport
- Funeral Assistance
- Black Plastic to waterproof and line houses during torrential rains